Our Humanitarian Network Contributes to a Resilient Society

Humanitär workshop i Kenya. Foto: Job Mainye

Fyra personer samtalar om humanitära frågor vid ett besök i Kenya.Fyra personer samtalar om humanitära frågor vid ett besök i Kenya.

Local organisations in countries such as Yemen, Syria and South Sudan know best how to save lives, reduce suffering and maintain human dignity in the long run.

Therefore, our humanitarian work is based on strengthening local forces in some of the world’s most difficult contexts.

People affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and the consequences of climate change often need urgent help. But to access the cause of the crises, long-term work is needed.

That is why our humanitarian support is focused on local organisations that are already in place when a crisis occurs, and who remain afterwards. They know best what is needed to build resilience for future challenges.

Humanitarian Interventions with Support from Sida

We began working with humanitarian interventions with support from Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation, Sida, in 2014. Sida has since decided to phase out its support to our network. We continue to train and strengthen our network in order for them to continue their important work after this source of funding runs out. We build capacity in these organisations with a focus on nexus and resilience.

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News and Analysis

More News on Resilience in Swedish

Continued humanitarian engagement

Sida has not yet taken a formal decision on the future of SMC’s strategic humanitarian partnership. However, when the current agreement expires in March 2021, an extension is expected until December 2022.

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More News on Resilience in Swedish
A woman take a walk with a baby on here back in the rain forest in Sierra Leone.A woman take a walk with a baby on here back in the rain forest in Sierra Leone.

Thematic Focus

Climate Hope for Future Generations

In our international work, we meet many of the people who are ultimately affected by climate change. We are inspired by their ideas and resilience. We work to give them influence on decisions made about the climate at an international level. And we believe that religion can be a key that mobilizes and motivates more people to participate in the green transition.

Read more about how we work with Environment, Climate and Resilience
World map showing where SMC member organisaitons have development cooperation work.World map showing where SMC member organisaitons have development cooperation work.

Development Cooperation

Distributing Funds for Development Cooperation

Through our network, we distribute funds for development cooperation all over the world. We have a strategic partnership with Sida whereby our member organisations and their local partners can apply for funding from the Swedish government’s budget for international development cooperation.

How we distribute funds