Communication for a Better World

Member Days 2020. Photo: Melker Dahlstrand

Three persons in an engaged disucssion during our member days 2020.Three persons in an engaged disucssion during our member days 2020.

We want Swedish people to engage in a society that is environmentally sustainable, just, equal and democratic.

That is why we support projects that communicate about how civil society around the world are working for such a society.

This might be through a podcast about children’s rights; a workshop about climate change in a church; or by visiting a development project through virtual reality.

The projects create knowledge about what we work for. But we do not want it to stop at knowledge – we want people to get involved and contribute. It can mean becoming active in an organisation, spreading knowledge on social media or influencing politicians to make decisions that promote sustainable development.

For Members

Only our member organisations can apply for grants for communication projects through our communications program. If your member organisation is interesting in applying, please contact us well before sending us your application.

Manage Programmes and Projects in Lime Portal

Do you work for an organisation that receives funding from SMC? Log in to find templates and more information about your organisation’s programmes and projects.

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Outcomes from our network

Browse results from reality and be insipired by the work in our network.

Advocacy with Faith in Development

We are knowledge based, working with freedom of religion or belief, religious literacy and development policy.