New guidelines to strengthen work on the environment and climate

SMC’s operational strategy for 2022-2026 focuses heavily on the environment and climate. Of the funds allocated to development cooperation, five million swedish crownes are allocated per year to promote environmental and climate work in the international efforts of member organisations for a better world.
“In order to succeed in a global green transition, we must all help to promote sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity and emission restrictions, as well as adaptation to climate change,” says Anna Olsson, administrator with thematic responsibility for the environment and climate at SMC Faith in Development.
SEK 5 million per year
Therefore, SMC Faith in Developemt allocates SEK 5 million per year during the next strategy period 2022-2026 for operations in these areas. The money is part of the aid grant that SMC receives from Sida. In August, the Board of SMC adopted new guidelines for the environment and climate.

Anna Olsson is Coordinator and Desk officer with thematic responsibility for the environment and climate.
– The guidelines describe how these funds can be used and how our member organisations can apply for them. The aim is to promote the integration of climate and the environment into development efforts with an emphasis on innovation, impact, networking, follow-up, learning and knowledge dissemination,” says Anna Olsson.
The initiative is based on good experience from our investment in resilience during 2017-2021. Even then, SMC allocated a special budget of SEK 5 million per year to promote work with resilience in humanitarian and long-term development projects.
Hope that many member organisations will apply
All member organisations that have ongoing development cooperation with Sida funding are welcome to apply for funding within the environmental and climate initiative.
“We believe that this initiative will make a difference for the people most affected by the environmental and climate crisis. That is why we want to encourage as many member organisations as possible to participate. We also look forward to broadening learning within our network in terms of the green transition and what role we as faith-based actors play and can play,” says Lennart Nolvall, administrator with thematic responsibility for resilience and disaster risk reduction.

Lennart Nolvall is Desk officer with thematic responsibility for resilience and disaster risk reduction.
The guidelines are currently only available in English but will be translated into French in autumn 2021.
Q&A for member organisations that want to apply
When can we apply to participate in the initiative?
There are two applications per year. For operations scheduled to start in July of that year, the application must be submitted by February 1. For operations scheduled to start in January next year, the application must be submitted by May 31.
How do we apply to take part in the initiative?
There are three ways to apply for funds (as explained in more detail in the guidelines):
- The easiest way is to include a specific environmental or climate component within a new programme or project presented in the regular call for proposals on 31 May.
- You can also apply for an add-on for an environmental or climate component for an ongoing programme or project.
- It is possible, but more resource-intensive for all parties, to present a separate application for funds that are not linked to any ongoing project or programme.
How much can we apply for?
An individual member organisation can apply for a maximum of SEK 1.5 million for a single operation during 2022-2024. However, the operation may be less than three years. The actual amount applied for by a member organisation shall be proportionate to the capacity of both the member organisation and the partner.
How will SMC prioritise if the search pressure is high?
Desk officers at SMC assess the applications based on what is communicated in the guidelines. Funds are granted for the actions deemed most relevant in relation to the guidelines and on the basis of an assessment of the capacity of the member organisation and the partner to carry out the operation.
Who should I turn to if I have questions?
For general questions about the guidelines, please contact or
For more specific questions about the possibility to apply for grants, contact your organisation’s Desk officer at SMC.