More digital learning through Fabo
Fabo is a digital learning platform, and at the same time a digital capacity development network. SMC has just signed up to Fabo as part of its efforts to increase digitization and access to knowledge and exchange of experience on international issues and beliefs.
“The world is becoming increasingly digital, and one of the advantages is that it provides opportunities to meet without traveling – and thus less carbon footprint,” says Miriam Mondragon, advisor for capacity development at SMC. Through membership in Fabo, we and our member organizations will have greater opportunities to create digital resources for learning but also to take advantage of other organizations’ digital knowledge.
In a digital course, participants from Kenya, Cambodia and Sweden, for example, can meet and share experiences about working with everything from resilience to religious literacy.
Increased access to knowledge for all
“At the same time, it is important that digitalisation reaches everyone, and we who work with international aid and mission have an important task. We must of course jump on the digital train ourselves! It has become even clearer in the context of the corona pandemic, says Miriam Mondragon.
Fabo was formed in 2019 by some organisations within the ACT Alliance. This spring, they opened up to broader membership. Among the members today are Diakonia, act Swedish Church and Danish Mission Council development department.
Since many organizations with similar activities and interests are members, there are good opportunities to create courses together and take part of each other’s materials. SMC has already been involved in the development of the course Religion and Development, which is uploaded on Fabo.
“Fabo does not organise courses or ready-made solutions, it is us members who create the available resources,” says Miriam Mondragon.
The first course will be held in November
In November, the SMC will hold its first course at Fabo. It is the introductory course in Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting for agents that is held in real time for enrolled participants. Registration is open until 16 October on SMC’s website.
– On our own portal page on Fabo – – there are tips on other learning sites on the platform that we think may be of interest to our member organizations. These include core humanitarian standard (CHS), religion and development and more effective online meetings,” says Miriam Mondragon.
– Already you who work at one of our member organizations or their partners can create accounts at Fabo and thus get access to existing digital courses and study materials.
Several courses in the pipeline
In the future, SMC plans to create a digital introductory course about the work of SMC with various modules, e.g. SMC as an organization, SMC’s grant management and SMC policies. Member organizations will have to provide input to the course before it is completed.
” There will also be an opportunity for SMC’s member organizations to set up courses and study materials themselves at Fabo. Perhaps your organization would like to try building a digital course at Fabo? “Get in touch with me,” Miriam Mondragon advises.