Just over a billion in applications to Sida for the next five years

SMC – Faith in Development applies for just over SEK 1 billion to finance the development cooperation planned together with the member organisations. The application to Sida’s Civil Society Unit is part of the Council’s new operational strategy 2022-2026.
The overall goal of SMC’s development cooperation is to strengthen civil society so that people can influence their living conditions themselves and contribute to sustainable and fair democratic societies.
“We have applied for SEK 1,050,252,000 spread over five years for the efforts that our member organisations are conducting together with partners all over the world. These include churches and faith communities, children’s rights organisations, women’s networks, environmental organisations and peace and human rights organisations,” says Hanna Mellergård, Head of International Development Cooperation at SMC.
Part of the budget also finances SMC’s office, which is responsible for quality assurance and capacity development, but also networking, policy dialogue and advocacy – often in cooperation with member organisations.
“One billion is a lot of money, but still slightly lower than the contribution we received during the current contract period 2017-2021, since Sida earlier this year announced restrictions on the budget,says Hanna Mellergård.
International demand for SMC’s network
The application therefore contains a part that describes SMC’s ambitions and the possibility to turn over additional funds. This includes an investment in international advocacy and the development of the so-called nexus issues between humanitarian and long-term development cooperation.
“The expertise that exists in our network is in demand internationally. With more resources, we could work more to bridge locked positions in the polarized field of freedom of religion and belief, human rights and democracy, Charlotta Norrby, Secretary General of SMC.
The application to Sida is an important part of the new strategy for SMC’s activities Believe in a better world that was decided at the annual meeting in May. The strategy is based on three roles where funding from Sida forms the basis for the role of further intermediary of money for international cooperation. The other roles are as a meeting place for mission and as an influence actor.
Read more
SMC’s Operational Strategy 2022-2026: Believe in a Better World
Lessons learned during the pandemic from SMC’s development cooperation
Increase in results at the societal level when SMC reports to Sida