Interfaith Statement at Stockholm +50
We commit ourselves to: Act and practice what we preach, and to become protectors of this earth, to strive to live in harmony and sustainability, through our daily actions, how we invest, how we manage assets, and how we engage within our faith communities.
At the Stockholm + 50 conference in June 2022, representatives of various faith-based organizations, indigenous cultures and wisdoms from around the world committed to caring for ecological justice and for protecting our one Earth. An interfaith statement was addressed to all stakeholders of the UN Conference (including governments, UN entities, civil society) by Rev. Petter Jakobsson, theological advisor at SMC – Faith in Development.
Take part of the Stockholm+50 Interfaith Statement
Read the statement in full here: “Faith Values and Reach – Contribution to Environmental Policy”
Watch the address given by Rev. Petter Jakobsson at Stockholm +50 here: