SMC Advances in Sida’s Call for Proposals
SMC Faith in development is one of 1,044 organisations that have advanced to the second stage of Sida’s call for partnership proposals under the Government’s strategy for supporting civil society.
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SMC Faith in development is one of 1,044 organisations that have advanced to the second stage of Sida’s call for partnership proposals under the Government’s strategy for supporting civil society.
After an intensive learning week in Togo, organized together with PMU, ODOS, and ADRA Togo, Miriam Mondragon, Capacity Development Advisor, reflects on how we can build resilience in our communities. With over fifty participants from ten countries in West Africa, strong networks for future collaboration were established.
The 2023 Annual Report was formally approved at the Annual Meeting. It is now available for everyone to read, and you can download a copy.
Interactive exercises, stories and case studies. In April the Freedom of Religion or Belief facilitators’ toolkit was launched in a digital event with around 50 participants from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.
How do we reverse a growing sense that the world is falling apart? That was the key question when the SMC network organised a panel discussion on young people’s perspectives and engagement.
Kenya. Photo: SMC.
The theme for SMC’s 2023 member days, attended by almost 100 participants from 29 member organisations was “Youth is the Present.” It was the first time after almost three years of digital meetings that the network could meet in real life, and spirits were high among the participants.
Better grassroots change that truly works than large-scale, opaque initiatives that increase the risk of corruption, writes Anna-Lena Hansson, a long-time employee at SMC Faith in development.
It started with us. Long before the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) was established, a faith-based movement within Swedish civil society was already working to change the world. Severing ties with us means that extensive experience and valuable knowledge will be lost to local partners.
Support channelled through SMC to small organisations in both Sweden and internationally, is cost-effective, high-quality, and transparent. It contributes to a pluralistic and resilient civil society in some of the world’s most critical regions.
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We are knowledge based, working with freedom of religion or belief, religious literacy and development policy.