We have faith in development

We are a platform for churches and organisations who believe in human rights and work for dignity for all. Our network contributes to building peaceful, equal and sustainable societies.
On this page, you can learn more about the basis of our work and how we we work with events, development cooperation and advocacy.
We have been a platform since 1912 for ecumenical cooperation between different Christian traditions with a special focus on mission, international development and the role of religion in society.
Today we consist of around 30 member organisations and churches based in Swedish civil society. Together we arrange meeting places and seminars to learn from each other’s differences, pass on our experiences and advocate for a better world. We also distribute funds from Sida to several of our member organisations’ development cooperation with local partners in over 50 countries.
Related documents
Statutes of the Swedish Mission Council
Annual Report 2023
The annual report of 2023 includes features, interviews, financial statements and information about the staff, board members and committee.
Value Foundation
Our work takes its point of departure in the biblical narratives of God, humans and the world. God’s love is unconditional and embraces all people without exception.
Theory of Change
Coming in English soon.
SMC’s Strategy 2022 – 2026
The Strategy describes the direction of the work of SMC – Faith in Development during the period of 2022 – 2026. The Strategy is developed by the SMC secretariat in cooperation with the SMC board and member organisations in a consultative process that took place between April 2020 and April 2021.

We believe in meetings with people
SMC’s main mission is to create meeting places for cooperation and reflection among our member organisations. We arrange annual membership days, seminars and workshops to reflect and learn more about topics like Faith and democracy, Environment, climate and resilience and Organisation and partnership.
In our international network there is a diversity of civil society actors from different traditions. This breadth is our strength and we see our differences as an asset that challenge us to learn from each other in order to work together in God’s mission.

Advocacy with faith in development
Advocacy is an important tool in creating change and helping decision-makers better understand the world. We are knowledge based, working with freedom of religion or belief, religious literacy and development policy.
In advocacy work, we collaborate with our member organisations, other civil society actors in Sweden and around the world, such as the Swedish Christian Council, CONCORD and NORFORB.

Swedish development cooperation
We have a strategic partnership with Sida whereby our member organisations and their local partners can apply for funding from the Swedish aid budget.
We are the link between Sida and our member organisations in the application, reporting, monitoring and evaluation processes. Our work is guided by SMC’s various policies and governing documents, which have been adopted by our Board.
A Vibrant Network
Our network spans over 110 years, 50 countries and about 30 members in Sweden.